Service Providers
The CSHA contracts with the Kansas City Police Department for off-duty Police Officers to randomly patrol our neighborhood. As part of this service, our residents can request that their property be monitored during times they will be out of town or away for specific events which might make their property vulnerable to shenanigans. For information, please contact CSHA's Off-Duty KCPD Liaison, Kathryn Strupp (phone | email).
Leaf and Brush Collection
The City of KCMO provides Spring and Autumn collections of leaf and brush debris. If the dates offered by the City don't work for you, there are other options (a fee will apply for these services):
Compost Connection provides collection in leaf and brush bags.
Envision Lawn & Tree provides bagless collection of ONLY leaves, using their vaccuum trucks.
Glass Recycling
Ripple Glass has large purple glass collection bins scattered around the City, including several near the CSHA.
For curbside collection of your glass, contact Glass Bandit (a fee will apply to set up an account).
(A fee will apply for any of these services)
The City of KCMO has begun a composting pilot program, KC Can Compost, which requires that residents drop their compost off at one of various locations around the metro. Alternatively, if you'd like your compost collected from your curb, there are other options: